The GAPS Diet™

What is the GAPS Diet™ and is it right for you?
GAPS stands for both Gut and Psychology Syndrome and Gut and Physiology Syndrome as described in the books by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. Dr McBride is a brilliant neurosurgeon turned nutritionist who created this specific diet to help her son recover from autism.
The GAPS Diet™ might be right for you if you are experiencing any of the following:
- Asthma
- Digestive Disorders like IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, Chron’s Disease, Chronic Constipation, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, or SIBO
- Autism
- Learning or Social Problems
- Chronic Fatigue
- Depression or anxiety
- Food Allergies, including Gluten-Sensitivity
- Schizophrenia
- Autoimmune Disorders
- Eczema or Acne
- Neurological Issues
- Seizures
The GAPS Diet™ has helped thousands of people overcome these conditions and more. Most people begin the GAPS Diet™ when mainstream medicine has not been able to help or even provide answers for how to get better.
If you believe that you deserve to return to abundant health, and you are willing to change your eating and lifestyle to make it happen, you’re a candidate for the GAPS Diet™.
How the GAPS Diet™ helps:
- Heals and seals the gut lining in order to restore optimal gut function
- Normalizes gut flora including bacteria, yeasts, and parasites
- Corrects nutritional deficiencies
- Restores your immune system
- Gently helps your body remove toxins
What is the GAPS Diet™?
The GAPS Diet™ is a therapeutic healing diet and lifestyle that includes:
- The 6-stage GAPS Intro Diet – An elimination diet that begins with easy to digest homemade soups, cooked vegetables, and fermented foods. As you graduate to each new stage, new foods and cooking methods are added in.
- Full GAPS Diet – A delicious whole foods, grain-free dietary plan that is based on the foods that are most nourishing and healthy for the digestive system and beyond. It is free of processed sugars, all artificial ingredients, and is mostly home cooked.
- Supplements – Limited supplements that support digestive healing and provide commonly missing nutrients that are crucial to rebuilding your immune system. These include probiotics, cod liver oil, EFA’s, and iodine paint. Optional digestive support supplements are used if indicated, including stomach acid and fat digestion support.
- Detoxification – Including clearing your home of toxic products, taking baths with detoxifying bath additives, and drinking fresh pressed juices.
Whether it is best for you to begin with the GAPS Intro or Full Diet depends on your health concerns, digestive function, and lifestyle. Your Certified GAPS Practitioner will help you determine the best direction for you to take.
You are healing a lifetime of sub-optimal nutrition and chemical exposures and your body must build new cells and process out a lot of stored toxins to make that happen. GAPS is most often followed for 18 months to 2 years. It takes time, but it is an investment in your future health.
I would love to help you navigate your way through this wonderful diet. I do, however, recommend that you read Dr. McBride’s first book before making an appointment. Here are the consultation options I offer for the GAPS Diet:
GAPS Consultations
One-time initial consultation: $80/hour – average consultation time is 2 hours. You will leave this consultation with written steps to begin preparation for your GAPS journey. Step by step personalized instructions will come in 1-2 weeks that will guide you meticulously on your GAPS journey. This includes dosing instructions for recommended GAPS supplements.
Follow up consultations – if needed. $80/hour, prorated to the length of each appointment.
Optional email support. $75/week for three weeks during your start of the GAPS diet. A great option for those who will need extensive help at the beginning of the diet.
GAPS Consultation Packages – A great value for those needing additional help
3 months of GAPS Support. This includes a 2-hour initial consultation, plus 3 additional hours of consultations via zoom or in-person. This includes email support throughout your 3 months. $499
6 months of GAPS Support. This includes a 2-hour initial consultation, plus 5 additional hours of consultations via zoom or in-person. This includes email support throughout your 6 months. $699
*Additional family members $59* – This adds an additional 1/2 hour of in-person or zoom support and allows for the extra time needed to complete the written report.