The GAPS Diet™ What is the GAPS Diet™ and is it right for you? GAPS stands for both Gut and Psychology Syndrome and Gut and Physiology Syndrome as described in the books by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. Dr McBride is a brilliant neurosurgeon turned nutritionist who created this specific diet to help her son recover from autism. The GAPS Diet™ might be right for you if you are experiencing any of the following: Asthma ADD/ADHD Digestive Disorders like IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, Chron’s Disease, Chronic Constipation, Inflammatory Bowel
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Online Restart Class Begins Sept 4th
August 25, 2018
My next 5 week Online Restart Class begins, Tuesday, September 4th at 7 pm Central Time. The class makes learning to eat healthy, fun and easy! I enjoy watching my participants learn how doable it can be to eat in a way that nourishes their bodies and yet keeps them feeling full and satisfied. A 5 week class including a 3 week sugar detox built in A powerful and empowering experience where you will make new friends
We Were Born to Thrive!
May 2, 2017
We were not born to just survive. We were born to Thrive! Thinking back lately on my journey to better health, I have to give God the credit and praise. When I prayed to God during the worst of my health crisis with Graves Disease, He answered my prayers. God showed me how holistic health could give me answers and direct me on a healing path. I wanted to post here the lyrics to, "We Were Made to Thrive," by
Natural Ways to Strengthen the Immune System
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The Most Useful Food Sensitivity Test – The MRT 170
January 30, 2017
I am thankful that I discovered the MRT 170 Food Sensitivity Test because even though I was eating a healthy diet, I still wasn't feeling 100%. Sometimes after I ate, I could feel my heart race and I knew from past experience that my heart races when I am reacting to certain foods. The problem was that it was difficult figuring out which foods were causing the issue. Luckily, my daughter's holistic doctor recommended that she get the MRT to
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Much confusion exists today about what encompasses a healthy diet. Is a low fat diet best? What about a low carbohydrate, high protein diet? To solve this confusion, the Nutritional Therapy Association looks to the research of one of the great nutritional pioneers, Dr. Weston A. Price. Dr. Price noticed that his dental patient’s mouths and health were deteriorating in the 1920’s when the nation’s diet was becoming increasingly processed. Upon hearing reports of primitive people with beautiful teeth, Dr. Price became determined
The Importance of Proper Digestion
November 7, 2016
The proper digestion of our food is vitally important to the health or our bodies. Our bodies rely on the nutrients received from our food for all of it's functions. In order to get all of the nutrients and fuel from our food, we must break down the food we eat into small enough particles so that the nutrients can pass through the wall of our digestive tract into the blood vessels and then be used by our cells.